lazy blogger

Friday, December 22, 2006

Angel of Love

God sent an angel from the heavens above,
To end all the hating there was in this world.
She was to them the meaning of timeless beauty;
She was to teach them how forgiving it was to love.

So astounded by her beauty all of this hell was,
That one and all was overcome by love.
All by the same consuming love for this angel,
That each fought to death to win her heart.

Shattered and helpless this eternal beauty was;
She wept and wept till God wrapped her into his arms.
But overcome by a sudden wrath and fury God was,
That he cursed each in this world for once and for all

"Thou shalt always be loved by one ye leave behind,
And falleth for one who leaves thy love behind"

So cold, but true these two lines are;
They mean much more than they just tell

To relate to these few words yours needs to be a broken heart.
But you will, for an act of true love is now but a dying art.

P.S: Yes, it's the same old wine in a new, stupid bottle.
I just love the maxim* so much that I had to come up with a story for it :D

Do tell me if any corrections ought to be made in that 'curse of a paragraph'- I really am not a user of classical English! :P

*" You always leave the one who loves you behind;
Just like the one you love leaves you behind"

Sunday, December 17, 2006

True Friends

Friends- you don't know what they're worth.

Not until they're beyond your reach.
Not until you realize you're alone even in a sea of faces whom you smile at.
Not until you realize that no one wants to go with you, no matter how badly
you want to go.
Not until you come to that lonely weekend, and you don't have anyone to be with.
Not until you wish you could just spend your time being with ones you miss.
Not until it's the end of the day and you slowly realize you're just alone- again.
Not until you feel lost in a place where just about anyone else would die to be.
Not until you can't do something you like, just because there's no one else who
wants to.
Not until that thing gets to you- that damned quarter-life crisis of yours.
Not until the people you'd love to be with are anywhere but here, near.
Not until you want to break free of everything, but inside you desperately know
just can't.
Not until you wish you were a few years back in time, the only way to be back in
golden years.
Sadly, not until it's just too late.

A true friendship is among the biggest of things that matter;
for it's just knowing the smallest of things that matter.

Friendships are the maps that take you to your destiny.
With it, you'll always be guided the right way;
Without it, you'll probably take every which way.

Friendship is like your cell phone.
It's what keeps you stay connected,
You mostly take it for granted,
You don't miss it till you don't have it.

( Just couldn't resist the last one :D)

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